Photographic Technique
Most of my black and white work is done with a 4x5 view camera. The view camera movements allow me to control perspective and depth of field to better capture my vision of the final image. I used a Sinar F2 until summer 2009, when I switched to an Ebony 45SU. I use lenses ranging from an ultra-wide angle 47mm to a mild telephoto 300mm. If the subject is moving, or it is difficult to use a tripod, I use Linhof Technika IV press camera from the 1950s. It has a rangefinder and viewfinder that allows it to be focused and shot without a tripod.
I shoot Kodak Tmax black and white film. Until the fall of 2009, I used Tmax 100. I then switched to the new Tmax 400. This gives nearly as fine grain and sharpness as Tmax 100, with better shadow detail. It has less reciprocity failure in low light. This allows much shorter exposures in dark settings, reducing the chance of camera movement and making it easier to work when time is limited.
I process the film in a Jobo Expert Drum, rotated by an old Beseler developing tube roller. I use Xtol 1:2 and normal development for most negatives, but will pull or push development for extreme lighting situations. Once the negatives are dry, I scan them with a flatbed scanner. I use Photoshop for negative adjustment and I use Lightroom as a filing system and to produce my WWW pages.
The color work, and the black and white of fast moving subjects, is done digitally. As with the files from the scanned 4x5 negatives, the digital negatives are managed with Lightroom and processed in Photoshop. I also use DXO to control lens aberrations and high ISO performance.